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For VAV systems, the zone Tstat controls the zone air flow (and reheat coil if used) and the system (air loop) coil is controlled by a set point manager.

Any of these terminal units should work.


If there is just a heating coil in the main air loop then using SetpointManager:SingleZone:Reheat or SetpointManager:SingleZone:Heating to control the coil will provide some temperature at the heating coil outlet node and also at the terminal units. The Tstat in each zone will look at this temperature and calculate the air flow rate needed to meet the zone load.

  MasterZone,  !- Control Zone Name
  HeatingCoilOutletNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name

If there is also a cooling coil in the main air loop then another set point manager should be used to control that coil.

You can see what that air temperature is by reporting node temperature and heating coil outlet node set point temperature) Output:Variable,*,System Node Temperature,Hourly; (where * = node name of zone inlet node) Output:Variable,HeatingCoilOutletNode,System Node Setpoint Temperature,Hourly;