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Hey @Bernard, SketchUp changed to Ruby 2.0 in SU 2014 and OpenStudio changed to Ruby 2.0 in OS 1.4.1. I assume most incompatibilities in your plugin are due to that change from Ruby 1.8 to Ruby 2.0. However, I am not sure what you mean by "statements seem to not work anymore now". When I run those commands in SketchUp 2014 and OpenStudio 1.4.1 the commands don't produce any Ruby errors. However, the string results are not useful, is that what you mean?

The inspector is still part of the OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in, maybe your dialog is positioned off the screen? This video might help:

Finally, I'll make a plug for OpenStudio Measures. A model measure could easily export a list of constructions and areas without having to run a simulation first. You could run that measure from the SketchUp Plug-in or from inside the OpenStudio Application (where you can also edit constructions).