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Generally speaking, those answers are probably still up to date. Your statement about the proper approach is OK, but I'll point out that subdividing large spaces and using nodal pressure models is a chancy business at best. It can be done, but requires both expertise and luck. The only way to know if you've done it right is going to be CFD or measurements in the actual space. My answers to your questions are:

  1. New OS capabilities? No, not to my knowledge.
  2. Build airflow network in OS? Not yet.
  3. Up-to date resources? There is some old published guidance in handbooks, but the most up-to-date information will be in the literature. Here's a paper (perhaps a bit old, but freely available) on the subject: Pan et al. 2009. Using this paper and the papers it references turned up quite a bit (mostly behind paywalls, etc.). It is an area of active research.