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It's hard to say exactly what is causing this without seeing the input file (idf). The psyc routines have been evolving to show what routine was executing when the error occurred, but all the calls to the psyc routines have not yet been updated. I would suspect something to do with air flow control for DX coils given this warning:

* Warning * CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="COIL COOLING DX SINGLE SPEED 5" - Air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range at 1.299E-006 m3/s/W. * ~~~ * Expected range for VolumeFlowPerRatedTotalCapacity=[2.684E-005--6.713E-005]

I did not see this warning in the baseline error file. Is this a HPWH coil? Regardless, check the inputs to see if there is a reason for the air flow to capacity ratio being an order of magnitude lower than expected. You can also send your input file to the help desk at

It's hard to say exactly what is causing this without seeing the input file (idf). The psyc routines have been evolving to show what routine was executing when the error occurred, but all the calls to the psyc routines have not yet been updated. I would suspect something to do with air flow control for DX coils given this warning:


** Warning * ** CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="COIL COOLING DX SINGLE SPEED 5" - Air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range at 1.299E-006 m3/s/W.
 * **   ~~~   * ** Expected range for VolumeFlowPerRatedTotalCapacity=[2.684E-005--6.713E-005]


I did not see this warning in the baseline error file. Is this a HPWH coil? Regardless, check the inputs to see if there is a reason for the air flow to capacity ratio being an order of magnitude lower than expected. You can also send your input file to the help desk at