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Until this is fixed, you should look into how many OS:ThermalZone you have and how many OS:Sizing:Zone objects you have (do a search for these keywords in notepad++ to get the number of matches).

If you happen to have one more OS:Sizing:Zone objects than OS:ThermalZone, which was my case, Mark Adams gave me a workaround that fixes the problem here:

A workaround for the moment that I found is to delete the OS:Sizing:Zone and OS:ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList that are causing the problem. You have one more OS:Sizing:Zone object than number of OS:ThermalZone objects.

Look at your OSM in a text editor for the OS:Sizing:Zone that does not have a "Zone or ZoneList Name" UUID in it.

Then delete that object, the OS:ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList below it, the two OS:PortList above it, one OS:Connection above it, and one OS:Node above it.