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The measure assumes you have a SetpointManager assigned to the supplyOutletNode of your AirLoopHVACs. Which you apparently do not have.

You probably should... I fail to see any valid case where you would not.

Edit: I opened your model, I see your intent I guess:

image description

I filed so the error handling gets improved.

The measure assumes you have a SetpointManager assigned to the supplyOutletNode of your AirLoopHVACs. Which you apparently do not have.

You probably should... I fail to see any valid case where you would not.

Edit: I opened your model, I see your intent I guess:you placed a SPM:Coldest after the heating coil and a SPM:Warmest after the cooling coil.

image description

I filed so the error handling gets improved.

The measure assumes you have a SetpointManager assigned to the supplyOutletNode of your AirLoopHVACs. Which you apparently do not have.

You probably should... I fail to see any valid case where you would not.

I filed so the error handling gets improved.

Edit: I opened your model, I see you placed a SPM:Coldest after the heating coil and a SPM:Warmest after the cooling coil.

image description

I filed so don't think this is going to work like this. AFAIK, if you want to use both, you should probably use a Dual Duct AirLoopHVAC, similar to the error handling gets improved.DualDuctConstVolDamper.idf EnergyPlus example file (

The measure assumes you have a SetpointManager assigned to the supplyOutletNode of your AirLoopHVACs. Which you apparently do not have.

You probably should... I fail to see any valid case where you would not.

I filed so the error handling gets improved.

Edit: I opened your model, I see you placed a SPM:Coldest after the heating coil and a SPM:Warmest after the cooling coil.

image description

I don't think this is going to work like this. AFAIK, if you want to use both, you should probably use a Dual Duct AirLoopHVAC, similar to the DualDuctConstVolDamper.idf EnergyPlus example file (

It'll look something like this:

image description