swimming pool surface convection calculated with ground temperature

asked 2022-10-25 10:29:18 -0500

Aurelien_S's avatar

updated 2022-10-25 13:03:58 -0500


I work with swimming pools, assuming most of time that the Outside Boundary Condition in the BuildingSurface:Detailed in what I put my swimming pool is "Adiabatic" and not "Ground". But if I put "Ground", the convection between the surface of the pool and the air go to the wrong direction : air (27°C) giving heat to water (28°C) by convection...

The shape of the curve of the convection through the year is similar to the ground temperature put in Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface (twelve levels).

If I compare the output variable Surface Inside Face Temperature of my pool with its temperature Indoor Pool Water Temperature:

  • Outside Boundary Condition="Adiabatic" => Surface Inside Face Temperature = Indoor Pool Water Temperature

  • Outside Boundary Condition="Ground" => Ground Temperature < Surface Inside Face Temperature < Indoor Pool Water Temperature, with the surface inside face temperature having the same shape as the ground temperature.

1: Is it possible that the convection isn't calculated for pools with the water temperature but with the variable Surface Inside Face Temperature ?

2: How could I avoid this problem if there is no actuator for surface face temperature ?

(Versions tested : V9.6 and V22.2)

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