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GenerateIddFactory problem when building python bindings for OpenStudio

asked 2019-02-17 21:10:13 -0500

saeranv's avatar

updated 2019-02-17 21:16:43 -0500

I've been attempting to build the python bindings for OpenStudio, and am running into an error when building related to the error described here:

Except in my case, the use of: make GenerateIddFactory make GenerateIddFactoryRun Doesn't seem to fix anything.


I'm using a 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04, running on a docker container. I've followed the instructions here:, and have no problems until I attempt to run 'make' in the /build directory, which is where I'm running into this error.

Here's an image of my configuration settings in ccmake: image description

I have git cloned and attempted this with both the latest OpenStudio version, as well as v2.6.0, and v2.5.0 but no success with either. The end goal is to try and generate Python bindings for python 3, but for simplicity's sake I've been using python 2.7 as per the official instructions.

My docker image is here, in case anyone wants to pull and check it out: All the dependencies are conveniently downloaded, include the 2.6.0 version of OpenStudio. The way I'm working right now is to ssh into the container, and make the build directory, and then run ccmake ../openstudiocore from there.


  1. Is my configuration in ccmake set correctly? Do I only need to set BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS to ON, or do I need other options on? In the offical instructions, it says to enable "BUILD_SWIG" to make sure we get the most appropriate version of SWIG for the bindings, but that option doesn't seem to appear anywhere. Is that a relic from an older OpenStudio version, or am I doing something wrong?

  2. In order to narrow down the source of error due to version incompatibility, is there a version of OpenStudio that is known to generate the Python bindings correctly? I found this older repo from Julien: indicating 2.0.0 is one, (with python 3!), but am wondering if there's anything more recent. (I'm in the process of cloning 2.0.0 now and testing it out).



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Update 1: I just checked with OpenStudio 2.0.0 and it's also not working, so perhaps the problem must be with how I'm configuring my ccmake or elsewhere (python path?).

saeranv's avatar saeranv  ( 2019-02-18 09:29:35 -0500 )edit

Update 2: I decided to simplify things further and just try and build the latest OpenStudio develop branch, with no python bindings. Still didn't work. The only thing I changed in my ccmake configuration was to enable MAXIMIZE_CPU_USAGE, and disable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION.

This is my dockerfile, where you can see the commands I ran to generate the environment: .

saeranv's avatar saeranv  ( 2019-02-18 11:04:34 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-02-19 15:30:18 -0500

saeranv's avatar

I managed to resolve this specific bug, by moving to the the (unstable) develop3 branch of OpenStudio in Ubuntu 18.04. Dockerfile for anyone curious.

The specific commit that worked for me is hardcoded in there. No guarantees that the build will work (I decided to move away from the python bindings for interacting with OpenStudio), but this will get the build started, and assuming enough RAM is allocated in Docker for the process, should work.


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Asked: 2019-02-17 21:10:13 -0500

Seen: 236 times

Last updated: Feb 19 '19