EnergyPro and ARI-rated conditions

asked 2018-10-26 09:32:08 -0500

PJC's avatar

updated 2018-10-27 12:41:37 -0500

Hi everyone, I have inherited someone elses EnergyPro model to correct for LEED comments. I'm not at all familiar with EnergyPro, so I guess sorry if my questions are obvious. First, is there any way to edit the 90.1 baseline in EnergyPro? Or even see what is in it? It's a v2009 project so needs a 90.1-2007 baseline but I have been given a version of EnergyPro that has only a 2013 baseline, not improving my results. The LEED comment was "Note that Section G3.1.2.1 requires that where efficiency ratings, such as EER and COP, include fan energy, the descriptor shall be broken down into its components so that supply fan energy can be modeled separately. Additionally, provide documentation showing that this calculation has been performed by the software automatically, or provide calculations consistent with the ASHRAE 90.1-2007". Looks like since energypro has a full Daikin VRF library in the program it probably does the fans and the curves - which came up in another comment - automatically, anyone know how to prove it? I haven't found it clearly stated in the user manual. Does anyone know where proof exists, or what have you provided for proof before for this type of comment? Thanks!

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