unable to reach humidity setpoints

asked 2018-04-08 04:32:05 -0500

Siva's avatar

updated 2018-04-08 08:54:04 -0500

I was doing analysis where my main motto was to limit the Humdity inside the room in any case 40-65. So Accordingly I had gone through all the example files and could set humidity limits that I want inside the zone.

I used the following options:

in sizing zone: for my zone set point 28 and 50% RH, the dew point (16.64) and corresponding Humidity ratio are used as supply air temperature and supply air humidity ratio.

1) Humidity set point 2) De Humidity set point

3) Humidistat

4) Humidifier (electric)

5) setpoint manager: single zone: humidity:Minimum (for this I kept the setpoint node at Humidifier outlet node and the placement of humidifier is just before cooling coil and used Humidification set point)

6) setpoint manager: single zone: humidity: Maximum (for this I kept the setpoint node at Cooling Coil outlet node and the placement and zone control node is respective zones nodes)

Please see the attached images

1) C:\fakepath\Humidity setpoints.jpg


3)C:\fakepath\West Zone RH.jpg

Despite adding all the humidity controls (within my knowledge), humidity inside the zone is falling out of the range and can be seen from the figure. How to avoid this? Where Did I go wrong?

Any suggestions?

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So it looks like you just have a problem with humidification, because everything is staying under 65%. Can you show some of your sizing objects for the humidifier. Is it possible that this isn't being sized properly and so doesn't have enough capacity?

bbrannon4's avatar bbrannon4  ( 2018-04-09 23:12:48 -0500 )edit

@bbrannon4.....No it was auto sized.....

Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Electric, HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Nominal Capacity Volume [m3/s], 8.92460E-007 Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Electric, HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Rated Power [W], 2313.93563

and then I hard sized it ...but still there is no change in that.....

Siva's avatar Siva  ( 2018-04-10 13:03:21 -0500 )edit