Removing previously linked OpenStudio content

asked 2021-06-20 03:33:31 -0500

Samir's avatar

updated 2021-06-20 11:48:15 -0500

Hello, I created a model using OpenStudio SketchUp plugin 1.1 (for OpenStudio 3.1), after closing the file I tried to open it again but I faced this error "removing previously OpenStudio content". Even if I continue working and save the file in OpenStudio, the simulation does not run successfully. I would be very pleased if you can help me. Thanks in advance.

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@Samir we will need more information about what steps you've done to create this model (from scratch, copied from another file, etc.). Have you applied measures to this model and then removed them? Have you copied just the OSM without also copying the companion folder with the same name that contains the weather file, measures, etc. for your workflow? If you can add a link to your OSM and its companion folder so that others can look at them, that would be most helpful.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2021-06-20 11:50:58 -0500 )edit

It seems like two separate issues here. For the first issue in the SketchUp plugin I recommend launching SketchUp and loading a new empty model. Then load the OSM file. Don't try to load a previously made SketchUp file and don't save a SketchUp file when you are done modeling. Just save the OSM file. I can't offer any feedback on failed simulation.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2021-06-20 23:06:46 -0500 )edit