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Radiance command not found

asked 2018-06-06 23:07:14 -0500

luvscientist's avatar

updated 2018-06-07 08:19:38 -0500

I used Radiance 5.0 Ver ( OS fedora)

Radiance run



oconv -r 10240 Room.rad Prism_P40_10.rad Room_Win.rad > P40_Paju.oct
mkpmap -apg P40_Paju.gpm 5000 -t 30 \
 -apc P40_Paju.cpm 50000 P40_Paju.oct

rpict -ab 3 -aa .2 -ar 128 -ad 512 -dr 3 -dp 512 -t 10 \
   -ap P40_Paju.gpm 100 \
   -ap P40_Paju.cpm 500 \
   -vf view_Paju.view \
   -ro P40_1230.pic P40_Paju.oct

rtrace -w -h -I+ -ab 3 -aa .2 -ar 128 -ad 512 -dr 3 -dp 512 \
      -ap P40_Paju.gpm 100 \ 
      -ap P40_Paju.cpm 500 P40_Paju.oct
< luxCalcPos.inp | 
    rcale -e "$1=179*($1*0.265+$2*0.670+$3*0.065)" > P40_1230.dat

pcond -h P40_1230.pic > P40_1230.h.pic 
ra_t16 -3 P40_1230.h.pic > P40_1230.h.tga

rtrace: system - cannot open octree file " " : NO such file or directory : line 16: -ap : commnd not found : line 18: rcale : commnd not found

why Result ?

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answered 2018-06-07 09:02:04 -0500

Chris Rush's avatar

updated 2018-06-07 09:02:48 -0500

Regarding line 16, it looks like you have an extra space at the end of line 15 that means the backslash isn't properly escaping (cancelling) the newline, and thinks line 16 is a new command instead of a continuation. Just delete the space at the end of line 15 so that the backslash is the last character.

On line 18 i think it's just a misspelling of rcalc. Replace the "e" with a "c".

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Thank you for your help.

luvscientist's avatar luvscientist  ( 2018-06-11 00:45:17 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-06-06 23:07:14 -0500

Seen: 190 times

Last updated: Jun 07 '18