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Open studio can't locate weather file with Create Baseline Building measure

asked 2017-03-30 02:38:46 -0500

Dionisio's avatar

updated 2017-05-06 08:21:42 -0500

I'm encountering the following error after trying to use the create baseline building measure:

<errors> <logmessage> <channel>openstudio.ruleset.Create Baseline Building</channel> <message>Model has been assigned a weather file, but the file is not in the specified location of 'files/JPN_TOKYO_476620_IW2.EPW'.</message> </logmessage> </errors>

I've updated Open Studio for the 1.14 version, I've moved the weather file to the "Default Weather Location" directory listed under scan for tools, but the error was not solved.

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How did you run the measure? Via "Apply Measure Now" or by dragging it onto the run tab? This should be fixed with OpenStudio 2.1.0

aparker's avatar aparker  ( 2017-03-30 18:26:45 -0500 )edit

Thank you! I did run the measure. I have OpenStudio 1.14 installed ( Do you mean OpenStudio 2.0.5 ( It seems that OpenStudio 2.1 has not been released yet.

Dionisio's avatar Dionisio  ( 2017-04-02 19:37:02 -0500 )edit

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answered 2017-04-03 00:20:04 -0500

Dionisio's avatar

Updating OpenStudio to version 2.0.5 solved the issue. Thank you!

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Asked: 2017-03-30 02:38:46 -0500

Seen: 222 times

Last updated: Apr 03 '17