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Rotate building question

asked 2017-01-18 07:18:32 -0500

poppo92's avatar

updated 2017-04-01 11:05:33 -0500

I have an issue about "Rotate building" OpenStudio measure.

My task is discover the optimal orientation of my building that is a low energy building without HVAC. My only parameter is the internal temperature.

So, if I use the PAT , the tool gives out just the energy demand of the building depending on the orientation. But my building has not energy demand cause it has no HVAC system. How can I choose the correct orientation? I would like to get the output as "zone conditions", that means temperatures, not energy. How can I manage this stuff?

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answered 2017-01-18 09:46:32 -0500

updated 2017-01-18 10:11:02 -0500

You may want to re-title your question and tags. Seems like you have handle on the rotation. Your question, which is a good one, seems more about a metric for building without an HVAC system. One simplified approach would be to put in thermostats and look at unmet hours for different rotations, but a more robust approach could be weight both for the size of the the zones that are outside of the thermostat range, and by how much they are out of range . The standard report bins hourly temperatures by zone. You could use the code that gathers this as a starting point, and process in a reporting measure to come up with a metric, or a number of metrics. You won't see this metric in PAT results, will be in individual simulation reports, but if you were doing a large analysis you could use runner.registerValue and then make it an objective function.

I third approach would be to add ideal air loads to your model, that is more straight forward. Is there a reason you don't want to do that?

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Asked: 2017-01-18 07:18:32 -0500

Seen: 125 times

Last updated: Jan 18 '17